Andrea Christman's Profile

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Recent Races

Revel Rockies 06/04/2022Denver CO - USA02:43:18
Coeur D'arlane Half05/29/2022Coeur D'arlaneID - USA02:37:30
San Diego half marathon 03/27/2022Sam Diego CA - USA02:37:09
Rock and roll las vegas02/27/2022Las Vegas NV - USA02:37:47
Walt Disney world half 01/08/2022OrlandoFL - USA03:01:58
Rehoboth running festival 12/04/2021Rehoboth beach DE - USA02:47:47
Richmond11/13/2021RichmondVA - USA02:37:47
Colfax10/16/2021DenverCO - USA02:48:44
Newport 10/10/2021Newport RI - USA02:52:36
Hartford10/09/2021Hartford CT - USA02:45:57


Level7 (Venus)
YTD Races0
Lifetime Races122
Lifetime Ultras0
All Time Streak

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