John Armstrong 's Profile

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Recent Races

Buffalo Creek Half Marathon 10/15/2022CabotPA - USA01:58:14
Disney01/07/2023OrlandoFL - USA02:09:52
North Park01/14/2023North ParkPA - USA02:01:12
MCTA04/08/2023Goddard State ParkPA - USA01:58:47
Run to Breathe04/16/2023Moraine State ParkPA - USA02:05:29
Presque Isle07/16/2023EriePA - USA01:54:00
Mahoning Shadow Shuffle10/14/2023PunxsutawneyPA - USA01:54:50
Buffalo Creek 1/2 Marathon 10/21/2023Freeport PA - USA01:45:13
Northern Ohio 1/2 Marathon 10/29/2023MentorOH - USA01:49:05
Nittany Valley Half Marathon12/03/2023State CollegePA - USA01:52:03


Level3 (Saturn)
YTD Races0
Lifetime Races100
Lifetime Ultras0
All Time Streak

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