Dee Dee "Titanium Turtle" Urquhart's Profile

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Recent Races

Independence07/04/2023Santa MonicaCA - USA03:05:41
Stars & Stripes07/02/2023Santa MonicaCA - USA03:15:17
Mountains to Beach05/21/2023VenturaCA - USA03:50:00
Mother's Day05/14/2023Santa MonicaCA - USA03:36:47
Mother's Day05/13/2023Long BeachCA - USA03:15:43
OC Half05/07/2023Costa MesaCA - USA02:35:58
Happy Easter04/09/2023Santa MonicaCA - USA02:32:58
PCRF03/26/2023IrvineCA - USA02:29:27
Rockin' Shamrock03/12/2023Santa MonicaCA - USA02:38:18
Rockin' Shamrock03/11/2023Long BeachCA - USA02:41:43


Level10 (The Sun)
YTD Races0
Lifetime Races732
Lifetime Ultras0
All Time Streak2018 HoF; Sun 10x; DA Everest #8 (30 full/52half) in 299 days; 20 in 20

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