Ann Hegstrom's Profile

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Recent Races

Hillbilly HIke11/02/2019CarlisleIA - USA02:18:51
Newbo Races09/12/2019Cedar RapidsIA - USA02:20:54
IMT Des Moines10/20/2019Des MoinesIA - USA02:22:01
Dubuque Benefit Classic09/14/2019DubuqueIA - USA02:22:15
Hillbilly Hike11/06/2021CarlisleIA - USA02:25:30
St. Paddy's Half03/19/2022Des MoinesIA - USA02:25:52
Sturgis Falls Half Marathon06/27/2021Cedar FallsIA - USA02:29:25
Hungry Turkey11/30/2019Des MoinesIA - USA02:34:35
A Pot of Gold Shared03/27/2021OskaloosaIA - USA02:38:36
Drake Road Races04/17/2021Des MoinesIA - USA02:46:40


Level10 (The Sun)
YTD Races0
Lifetime Races222
Lifetime Ultras0
All Time Streak11 in 6 months

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