Maureen "Team Fluffy Runner" Bowen's Profile

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Recent Races

Tobacco Road Half03/18/2018DurhamNC - USA02:53:21
Savin Rock Half03/24/2018West HavenCT - USA03:16:17
Revel Rockies06/03/2018DenverCO - USA03:46:41
Mainly Marathons - RI06/28/2018LincolnRI - USA04:02:02
Mainly Marathons - Guymon OK03/29/2018GuymonOK - USA3:40:00
Little Rock Half Marathon03/04/2018Little RockAR - USA02:53:57
Jack and Jill Half Marathon07/29/2018Snoqualmie PassWA - USA
Hilton Head Half02/10/2018Hilton HeadSC - USA03:13:00
Fargo Half Marathon05/19/2018FargoND - USA03:53:15
Carmel Half Marathon03/31/2018CarmelIN - USA03:04:07


Level10 (The Sun)
YTD Races0
Lifetime Races162
Lifetime Ultras0
All Time StreakCompleted 50 States x2, over 100 Total, and 30 states in a year (Sun!)

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