Glen Marumoto's Profile

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Recent Races

Bank of America Chicago Marathon10/13/2024ChicagoIL - USA03:51:20
Berlin Marathon09/29/2024BerlinBR - DEU03:47:07
Boston Marathon04/15/2024BostonMA - USA04:54:45
Inaugural Revel White Mountains05/05/2024ConwayNH - USA03:44:50
London Marathon04/21/2024LondonLON - GBR03:58:24
Marathon de Guadalupe12/17/2023PoncePR - USA05:30:30
New York City Marathon11/03/2024New York CityNY - USA03:40:05
Prince of Wales Island Marathon05/25/2024CraigAK - USA04:16:05
Tokyo Marathon03/03/2024Tokyo13 - JPN03:50:34
Tunnel Light Marathon09/09/2024Snoqualmie PassWA - USA03:36:53


Level10 (Titanium)
YTD Marathons9
YTD Ultras0
Lifetime Marathons227
Lifetime Ultras1
All Time Streak30 marathons in 30 states/countries in 365 days NONADICULOUS!
Running Achievements50 States x2. WMM Six Star Finisher

Upcoming Events

Honolulu Marathon12/08/202426.2
Hawaii Bird Conservation Marathon12/15/202426.2
Tokyo Marathon03/02/202526.2
Boston Marathon04/21/202526.2
London Marathon04/27/202526.2
TCS London Marathon04/27/202526.2
Bank of America Chicago Marathon10/12/202526.2