Herb Allen's Profile

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Recent Races

Seattle Ghost11/24/2018SeattleWA - USA8:27:29
Yakima River Canyon Marathon04/08/2018SelahWA - USA08:26:25
Seattle Ghost11/26/2016Seattle, WaWA - USA07:39:52
Seattle Ghost Marathon11/28/2015SeattleWA - USA07:26:22
Seattle Ghost Marathon11/29/2014SeattleWA - USA08:10:36
Yakima River Canyon Marathon04/05/2014SelahWA - USA
Seattle Ghost Marathon11/30/2013SeattleWV - USA6:22:07
Tunnel-Lite Marathon09/15/2013North BendWA - USA6:08:02
First Call Spring Marathon05/11/2013BothellWA - USA7:42:35
Tacoma City Marathon05/05/2013TacomaWA - USA7:01:32


All Time Streak2 in 2 days and 3 in 8 days
Level4 (Iridium)
Lifetime Marathons105
Lifetime Ultras0
Running Achievements
YTD Marathons0
YTD Ultras0

Upcoming Events

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