Michael Ball's Profile

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Recent Races

Tokyo 03/02/2025Tokyo13 - JPN05:02:58
Town of Celebration.01/26/2025Celebration FL - USA04:38:55
Chicago 10/13/2024Chicago IL - USA05:08:44
Sydney 09/15/2024Sydney NSW - AUS04:25:33
Grandma’s 06/22/2024Duluth MN - USA04:14:14
London04/21/2024LondonLON - GBR04:53:27
Boston04/15/2024BostonMA - USA05:13:40
Wilmington02/24/2024WilmingtonNC - USA04:13:53
Houston01/14/2024HoustonTX - USA04:12:21
Philadelphia 11/19/2023Philadelphia PA - USA04:16:39


Level4 (Iridium)
YTD Marathons2
YTD Ultras0
Lifetime Marathons105
Lifetime Ultras9
All Time Streak
Running Achievements

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