EdWIN "The Jester" Ettinghausen's Profile

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Recent Races

Celtic Winter Classic 24-Hour Race01/20/2018BakersfieldCA - USA24:00:00
Auburn One Day 24-Hour Race01/13/2018AuburnCA - USA24:00:00
Across The Years 6-day race12/28/2017PhoenixAZ - USA99:99:99
Houston Running Festival12/16/2017HoustonTX - USA16:56:21
Desert Solstice 24-hour12/09/2017PhoenixAZ - USA24:00:00
Best of San Diego 10011/24/2017San DiegoCA - USA27:42:06
Chimera 10011/18/2017Cleveland National ForestCA - USA28:47:35
Boundiful Endurance Runs 24-hour11/04/2017HemetCA - USA24:00:00
Javelina Jundred10/28/2017Fountain HillsAZ - USA23:24:36
Pony Express Trail 10010/20/2017FaustUT - USA19:49:21


Level10 (Titanium)
YTD Marathons0
YTD Ultras0
Lifetime Marathons203
Lifetime Ultras185
All Time Streak16 100-mile World Records as of 1/25/18, including WR for most lifetime 100(+) mile races - 156; WR for most 100-mile races in one year - 41.
Running Achievements

Upcoming Events

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